Guide nut. Left.2019-2021. MOUNT COMPONENTS. Right.2019-2021. A solid metal or plastic block with a threaded hole in the center which is used to tighten or adjust the Blind Spot Detection System Warning Sensor. A solid metal or plastic block with a threaded hole in the center which is used to tighten or adjust the Radiator Support Panel. Audio Amplifier Nut. Bumper Cover Support Rail Nut. Bumper Guide Nut. Instrument Panel Nut. Nut that secures the grille. Nut to secure Bumper Cover. Audio Amplifier. Blind Spot Detection System Warning Sensor. Blind Spot radar. Bumper Cover Support Rail. End plate U -. Grille Assembly U -. Guide U -. Instrument Panel retainer. Multi switch U -. Object Sensor. Radiator Support Panel. Retaining Bracket U -. Speed. Included with: Bumper Cover, Combo switch, Guide, Instrument Panel, Multi switch, Radiator Support.